Monday, January 24, 2022

Top 30 Wrestlers of All Time


The Royal Rumble is coming up this Saturday, January 29th, so I thought it would be fun to put together my list of the top 30 Wrestlers of all time. The list is based on a combination of each wrestler's impact on the business, their star level, and their major kayfabe achievements. Attitude era and Golden Era wrestlers were given a bump simply because they will forever be bigger stars than the guys of today. Major Achievements are a World Championship reign, a Wrestlemania Main Event, and a Royal Rumble Win.

30. Ricky the Dragon Steamboat 

With only 1 World Championship, it's star power and Steamboat's feuds that put him on the list over the guys who were left out. He was the arguably 16x World Champion Ric Flair's greatest rival. His match with Macho Man Randy Savage at Wrestlemania 3 is one of the most well known and well received matches of all time. And a career babyface, something very few have ever done in wrestling. 

29. Jake the Snake Roberts 

Jake the Snake makes the cut due to his work during the Golden Era of wrestling. One of the greatest and most memorable heels of all time. The guy was so good he never needed the World Title. That phrase gets thrown around a lot, but it fits no wrestler better than Jake the Snake. Plus, bringing a snake to the ring and having him bite your opponents is an all time bad-ass heel move. 

28. Daniel Bryan 

4x World Champion. 2x Wrestlemania Main Eventer

The undisputed top babyface of the last decade of wrestling. Wrestlemania 30 was Daniel Bryan's Wrestlemania. To essentially own a Wrestlemania is an insane accomplishment and one of the coolest nights in wrestling history. The Yes Movement and his ultimate underdog story line against The Authority is one of the best stories of all time. The only reason he isn't higher on this list is because of the era he has wrestled in. 

27. Dusty Rhodes 

4x World Champion

Dusty Rhodes is in my opinion the greatest babyface of 70s/80s southern wrestling. The son of a plummer that became World Champion was the ultimate american dream. Hence the nickname. His hard times promo is one of the best promos of all time, one watch of that will tell you everything you need to know about why he was so loved. 

26. The Big Show 

6x World Champion. 1x Wrestlemania Main Eventer

The Big Show debuted as The Giant in WCW in a feud with Hulk Hogan, where he would win the World Title shortly after. It doesn't get much bigger than that. He has faced every top star from 1995 to today in main event matches. For my money, the best "giant" of all time. 

25. Kane 

2x World Champion 

Kane is one of the scariest, most intimidating stars of all time. His classic look with the mask will never be topped. His original story line with his "brother" The Undertaker is easily one of the best of all time. Along with his debut being the best ever in my opinion.

24. Batista 

8x World Champion. 2x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 2x Royal Rumble Winner

Drax makes the list at number 24 as a guy who achieved way more than he was ever meant for. The lead up to Wrestlemania 21 and World Title win against Triple H is possibly the most satisfying story line ever. It brought Triple H's World Title reign to an end and destroyed Evolution all in one swoop. One of the top babyfaces and heels of the mid to late 2000s. Any top wrestlers list is incomplete without Big Dave. 

23. Edge 

12x World Champion. 2x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 2x Royal Rumble Winner

The Matt Hardy real life to WWE story line made Edge one of the biggest and best heels of all time. He parlayed that into a main event spot along with being the first Money in the Bank holder. In my opinion, John Cena's greatest rival. His comeback in 2020 was unreal and his tag team work with Christian makes him easily one of the greatest of all time. And the master of the ladder match. 

22. Chris Jericho 

5x World Champion. 1x Wrestlemania Main Eventer 

The first ever Undisputed World Champion, defeating The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin on the same night to do so. One of the best ever on the mic, and the master of reinventing himself and staying fresh over a 30 plus year career. Much like The Big Show, Y2J has main evented and been the foil to just about every top star over the past 20 years. 

21. Randy Orton 

14x World Champion. 2x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 2x Royal Rumble Winner

If you were to create a wrestler, it would be Randy Orton. The guy has it all and has done it all. From the Legend Killer gimmick to becoming a legend himself. He is the youngest World Champion in history, and has been part of some of the best moments and story lines post attitude era. Randy Orton is the LeBron James of wrestling. A guy who came in with unreal hype and potential, and somehow lived up to it. 

20. Kevin Nash 

6x World Champion 

Admittedly, Nash is probably the most "overvalued" wrestler on this list. I put a ton of stock in the fact that he kick started the biggest and best faction of all time in the NWO. When you think NWO, you think Kevin Nash. He was the first man to defeat Goldberg, and held the WWE title for a year before jumping ship to WCW. 

19. Kurt Angle 

6x World Champion. 1x Wrestlemania Main Eventer

The only Olympic Gold Medalist in WWE History. Yet, a guy who never took himself too seriously and would do anything to entertain the fans. One of the best in ring performers of all time who has provided countless classic moments and matches. 

18. Mick Foley 

3x World Champion. 1x Wrestlemania Main Eventer

The Hardcore Legend. The undisputed king of the hardcore match, always willing to put his body through anything for the fans entertainment. The 3 Faces of Foley is one of the most creative gimmicks ever, and only a man like Foley could pull all 3 characters off as well as he did. His Hell in a Cell match and bump off the top of the cell vs The Undertaker is probably the most viewed piece of wrestling video ever. 

17. Roman Reigns 

5x World Champion. 5x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 1x Royal Rumble Winner

The face of the WWE for the last 5 plus years or so only comes in at #17 due to wrestling's declining popularity. Despite the title reigns and Mania main events, Roman Reigns does not hold the same level of star power as guys that were in his position in the past. He is still one of the best ever, debuting with the Shield and becoming the dominant face of the company he is today. His heel work has been some of the best we've seen at the main event level in a long time and any Reigns title match always feels like a big deal. 

16. Bret Hart 

7x World Champion. 3x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 1x Royal Rumble Winner

The best there is. The best there was. And the best there ever will be. Bret Hart was the face of the WWE between the Golden Era and the Attitude Era. He always put 100% into everything he did and made every effort to make his work look as real as possible. His Wrestlemania classics with his brother Owen, Shawn Michaels, and Steve Austin highlight an unbelievable career. 

15. Triple H 

14x World Champion. 7x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 2x Royal Rumble Winner

The Game has done it all and then some in the wrestling business. He is the leader of DX and Evolution, two of the greatest factions ever. He has main evented Wrestlemania with Shawn Michaels, The Rock, John Cena, and Roman Reigns showing his ridiculous career longevity. On top of it all, Triple H has the best entrance outside of The Undertaker ever. 

14. The Ultimate Warrior 

1x World Champion. 1x Wrestlemania Main Eventer

In kayfabe, the most unstoppable and unbeatable wrestler ever. At his peak, The Ultimate Warrior was as popular as anyone has ever been in the wrestling business. His career just didn't last that long and that is why he is not higher on the list. His face paint is iconic and his title win at Wrestlemania XIII is one of the coolest ever. 

13. Sting 

7x World Champion 

Sting captivated the world for a whole year without wrestling a match. His year long feud with the NWO and Hulk Hogan in 1997 is unlike anything we will ever see again. The biggest threat to the NWO and the face of WCW for its entirity. The greatest career babyface of all time. 

 12. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper 

Hot Rod main evented the first Wrestlemania and is a huge reason for why wrestling became as big as it did. Piper's Pit also provided us countless legendary moments and was the precursor to all the wrestling "talk shows" afterwards. One of the best talkers and bad guys we will ever see. 

11. Goldberg 

4x World Champion

At his peak, Goldberg was just about the biggest star wrestling has ever seen. Show up. Kick ass. And leave. The aura and dominance of Goldberg was one of a kind. We had not seen anything like it before, and haven't since. Goldberg's run to the WCW World Title in 1998 was done perfectly and is one of the best World Title victories ever.  

10. Brock Lesnar 

World Champion. 4x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 1x Royal Rumble Winner

The most underrated and undervalued professional wrestler ever in my opinion. Brock Lesnar has done nothing but succeed inside the squared circle and provide tons of entertainment. He came in and had the best rookie year of all time. Lesnar beat The Rock for the WWE Title less than 6 months into his career, won his first Royal Rumble, and main evented and won his first Wrestlemania. He's also the man that ended the Undertaker's Wrestlemania winning streak. Chances are we never see an attraction or a human like him again in wrestling. 

9. Shawn Michaels 

4x World Champion. 5x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 2x Royal Rumble Winner

My personal favorite wrestler of all time. Shawn Michaels is without question the greatest in ring performer ever. He is Mr. Wrestlemania and gave us his best performances on the grandest of stages. His retirement match at Wrestlemania 26 is the best retirement match ever imo since he actually stayed retired. Besides that one match we won't talk about. Shawn also won the first Elimination Chamber match for the World Title in an absolute classic. 

8. "Macho Man" Randy Savage 

6x World Champion. 2x Wrestlemania Main Eventer

The cream of the crop. Oooooh Yeaaah. As time has gone on, the argument can be made that Randy Savage is the most beloved wrestler of all time outside of Stone Cold Steve Austin. His promos will never be topped and they are still as entertaining today as they were live. Wrestlemania IV was Savage's Mania and career defining moment, winning 4 matches in one night to become WWE Champion. 

7. Andre the Giant 

1x World Champion

Andre the Giant is a legend among legends. The man was undefeated for 15 years and was a world wide phenomenon. Hulk Hogan vs Andre at Wrestlemania III is the most famous wrestling match of all time. I don't think it can be overstated how important Andre's role was in that match, and the impact Wrestlemania III had on the future of the wrestling business. 

6. The Undertaker 

7x World Champion. 5x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 1x Royal Rumble Winner

The best gimmick of all time, and 2nd isn't close. The Undertaker owns the greatest career of all time in terms of longevity. He won his first World Title against Hulk Hogan in 1991, and main evented a Wrestlemania against AJ Styles in 2020. The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak is to wrestling what Joe DiMaggio's hit streak is to baseball. A record and achievement that will never be matched again. Undertaker's entrance alone was worth the price of admission. His mystique and presence will never be matched. 

5. John Cena 

16x World Champion. 5x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 2x Royal Rumble Winner

It's pretty unbelievable to me that John Cena comes in at #5 on my list. His spot is earned, and a lot of people would argue you could rank him higher. I first started watching wrestling in late 2004 when John Cena was still using his Dr. of Thugganomics gimmick. He had never won a World Title at the time either. He would win his first at Wrestlemania 21 vs JBL about 5 months later, and the rest is history. From 2005 on, John Cena was WWE. The modern day Hulk Hogan, and he did it for over a decade as a babyface. He faced The Rock at back to back Wrestlemanias in the two biggest wrestling matches since The Attitude Era. And over the years, the wrestling rapper who I was first introduced to became a living legend before my eyes. 

4. Ric Flair 

16x World Champion. 1x Royal Rumble Winner

Ric Flair is just amazing. Trying to put his greatness into words and what made The Nature Boy great seems nearly impossible. You just watch him and it all works. The presentation, the robe, the entrance music, the promos, the gimmick, it all just works. So so well. The dirtiest player in the game, a guy who wrestled the same match for 30 years and it was like it was brand new every time you saw him in the ring. He lived life like a World Champion because he was, and always will be THE World Champion. 

3. The Rock 

10x World Champion. 5x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 1x Royal Rumble Winner

Without a doubt, the most successful wrestler of all time. What The Rock has done in the movie industry is somehow greater than his accomplishments in wrestling. The Rock was 1A to Steve Austin during wrestling's most popular period. He is the best on the mic of all time in my opinion. Truly, the most electrifying man in all of sports entertainment. Here is to hoping we get one more match from The Rock. 

2. Stone Cold Steve Austin 

6x World Champion. 3x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 3x Royal Rumble Winner

Oh what I would give to be transported back to an arena between 1998-2001 when that glass broke. No one has ever or will ever get Stone Cold Steve Austin level pops. When wrestling was at its peak of peaks, Steve Austin was the guy at the top of the mountain. His feud with Vince McMahon is the best feud ever and was the perfect story line at the time to capture the wrestling world's imagination. Glass Shatters. Open up a can of whop ass. Hit some stunners. Flip your opponent off. And Chug some beers. What a perfect formula. 

1. Hulk Hogan 

12x World Champion. 8x Wrestlemania Main Eventer. 2x Royal Rumble Winner

Any list of wrestling's greatest stars that doesn't list Hulk Hogan at #1 is wrong. This list probably doesn't exist without Hulk Hogan. Wrestling boomed because of the combination of Hulk Hogan and Wrestlemania. Hulk Hogan was a worldwide icon. He is still known by most people today, even those who have never watched wrestling. In the 80s and early 90s Hulkamania was running wild. And when it seemed like Hogan had reached his peak, he reinvented himself and gave us the best heel turn ever. He became the leader of the NWO and helped kick off the next boom period in wrestling. The Attitude Era in WWE may never even happen without the WWE needing a response to the NWO in WCW. Simply put, Hulk Hogan is the greatest of all time. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Han & Leia

 I think you have to first look at it from the boring and technical point of view, which is the view of looking at the fact that these are movies. What makes their story work. What makes me actually believe this. And that is the way the characters are written. They are written and act in such real ways that is extremely rare to see on screen in any generation. Not just those two characters, all of them. The way the interact with each other and how their relationships with one another guide us through the films is a big part of what makes Star Wars so special. It’s why these films have stood the test of time and will continue to be loved by generations on. 

Now to those two characters in particular. It’s been a bit since I watched the films so specifics and maybe some extra details will be missing, but I still have the base knowledge of why I believe this to be true. It’s the story as old as time. It’s the one we have all been in ourselves. It’s the one that will continue and continue until we are extinct. Guy chases girl, girl isn’t interested, guy charms her, wins her over, and gets his girl. Their story is so relatable bc from the first time they are on screen together we feel the chemistry between the two. While he acts annoyed with her and somewhat repulsed by her being a princess, there are still instances of him trying to win her over. Trying to get the girl that he doesn’t want to admit he is head over heals for. Their story and their love is the old little kid story of “if the boy is mean to you, he likes you.” But they’re adults still acting this way. No one wants to admit it but those actions and behaviors with the opposite sex will always be there. We will always relate to that. We will always behave this way no matter how mature we all like to pretend that we are. And while she wants nothing to do with this ravager, thief, scoundrel, of a man, the way she interacts with him tells you deep down she can’t help but be charmed by him. At her core, she is not a princess. She is a bad ass, galaxy saving Jedi who isn’t gonna take any shit from anyone. The royalty aspect is what she knows bc that is how she has been raised but her personality and her attitude tell you that she belongs with a guy like Han. And someone like him is who she belongs with. 

Onto the second movie where things get a little fuzzy. I still think it’s the best love story ever but Leia going to Luke is weird and clearly wasn’t planned. We are still getting the elementary, immature interactions between the two. “I’d rather kiss a Wookiee,” she tells him. Then kisses Luke in the medical center. Very clearly to make him jealous, but she is fighting those feelings still even though she knows the feelings are inevitable. You cannot shake them. They belong together. By the end of the movie is when we get the classic line, when Han is being frozen “I love you.” And he simply says “I know.” It’s perfect. Of course he knows. They’ve been acting like middle school children with crushes on each other since the time they met. And of course we the audience know as well. What makes the feelings amplified and even better to me is that this is all happening while they are trying to save the galaxy. In the middle of defeating the evil empire. They can’t help but love each other and pick at each other and flirt with each other. And I think that’s how we would all act too. No matter what, if there is a man and a woman with chemistry between each other, they are gonna explore that. No matter what is happening around them, love trumps all. 

In the third film they are reunited and kicking ass on Endor together. You’re seeing that at the end of this they are gonna be together. They are going to be mature and be together finally. But in the back of his mind, he is still unsure. As confident and cocky as he shows himself to be, he still has doubts that a princess could love him. When she is telling him Luke is her brother he immediately thinks the worst. He is so in love with her his mind immediately tells him it’s too good to be true. He thinks that she wants to be with Luke, not him. When it’s revealed they are siblings, his grossed out reaction is great, but it’s the relief that is so much greater. He has gotten his girl. The galaxy is saved, but what is so much more important is that these two are together. Again, love trumps all. They are meant to be. 

At the same time, they are not. Going back to how well the characters are written, we know that as much as they 1 trillion percent belong together, they will never work. He will always be a bad boy. He will always be running off on his adventures. Possibly even being a really stupid idiot and cheating on her. That’s who is is. He’s a damn smuggler! She’s a princess. They can never work. It’s heartbreaking, but again, that’s love. Love is not perfect, we don’t always end up with that perfect person. And when we do, it still may not work like in their case. We know that she is such a strong willed, powerful leader of a woman that she will not take his shit. A lesser woman might, but not Leia. His smuggling and other sketchy activities will wear on her. She will give him chances and eventually he will fuck up one too many times. And that’s exactly what happens. They will always love each other. They will always be perfect for each other. Yet, they will also always not work. It’s beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. It’s the tale as old as time.