Saturday, January 1, 2022

Han & Leia

 I think you have to first look at it from the boring and technical point of view, which is the view of looking at the fact that these are movies. What makes their story work. What makes me actually believe this. And that is the way the characters are written. They are written and act in such real ways that is extremely rare to see on screen in any generation. Not just those two characters, all of them. The way the interact with each other and how their relationships with one another guide us through the films is a big part of what makes Star Wars so special. It’s why these films have stood the test of time and will continue to be loved by generations on. 

Now to those two characters in particular. It’s been a bit since I watched the films so specifics and maybe some extra details will be missing, but I still have the base knowledge of why I believe this to be true. It’s the story as old as time. It’s the one we have all been in ourselves. It’s the one that will continue and continue until we are extinct. Guy chases girl, girl isn’t interested, guy charms her, wins her over, and gets his girl. Their story is so relatable bc from the first time they are on screen together we feel the chemistry between the two. While he acts annoyed with her and somewhat repulsed by her being a princess, there are still instances of him trying to win her over. Trying to get the girl that he doesn’t want to admit he is head over heals for. Their story and their love is the old little kid story of “if the boy is mean to you, he likes you.” But they’re adults still acting this way. No one wants to admit it but those actions and behaviors with the opposite sex will always be there. We will always relate to that. We will always behave this way no matter how mature we all like to pretend that we are. And while she wants nothing to do with this ravager, thief, scoundrel, of a man, the way she interacts with him tells you deep down she can’t help but be charmed by him. At her core, she is not a princess. She is a bad ass, galaxy saving Jedi who isn’t gonna take any shit from anyone. The royalty aspect is what she knows bc that is how she has been raised but her personality and her attitude tell you that she belongs with a guy like Han. And someone like him is who she belongs with. 

Onto the second movie where things get a little fuzzy. I still think it’s the best love story ever but Leia going to Luke is weird and clearly wasn’t planned. We are still getting the elementary, immature interactions between the two. “I’d rather kiss a Wookiee,” she tells him. Then kisses Luke in the medical center. Very clearly to make him jealous, but she is fighting those feelings still even though she knows the feelings are inevitable. You cannot shake them. They belong together. By the end of the movie is when we get the classic line, when Han is being frozen “I love you.” And he simply says “I know.” It’s perfect. Of course he knows. They’ve been acting like middle school children with crushes on each other since the time they met. And of course we the audience know as well. What makes the feelings amplified and even better to me is that this is all happening while they are trying to save the galaxy. In the middle of defeating the evil empire. They can’t help but love each other and pick at each other and flirt with each other. And I think that’s how we would all act too. No matter what, if there is a man and a woman with chemistry between each other, they are gonna explore that. No matter what is happening around them, love trumps all. 

In the third film they are reunited and kicking ass on Endor together. You’re seeing that at the end of this they are gonna be together. They are going to be mature and be together finally. But in the back of his mind, he is still unsure. As confident and cocky as he shows himself to be, he still has doubts that a princess could love him. When she is telling him Luke is her brother he immediately thinks the worst. He is so in love with her his mind immediately tells him it’s too good to be true. He thinks that she wants to be with Luke, not him. When it’s revealed they are siblings, his grossed out reaction is great, but it’s the relief that is so much greater. He has gotten his girl. The galaxy is saved, but what is so much more important is that these two are together. Again, love trumps all. They are meant to be. 

At the same time, they are not. Going back to how well the characters are written, we know that as much as they 1 trillion percent belong together, they will never work. He will always be a bad boy. He will always be running off on his adventures. Possibly even being a really stupid idiot and cheating on her. That’s who is is. He’s a damn smuggler! She’s a princess. They can never work. It’s heartbreaking, but again, that’s love. Love is not perfect, we don’t always end up with that perfect person. And when we do, it still may not work like in their case. We know that she is such a strong willed, powerful leader of a woman that she will not take his shit. A lesser woman might, but not Leia. His smuggling and other sketchy activities will wear on her. She will give him chances and eventually he will fuck up one too many times. And that’s exactly what happens. They will always love each other. They will always be perfect for each other. Yet, they will also always not work. It’s beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. It’s the tale as old as time. 

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